
Dikshit bats for Urdu’s promotion

UN Human Rights Office urges Indian officials to drop cases against Arundhati Roy over remarks on Kashmir

By Muslim Mirror Staff The top UN human rights official on Thursday voiced concern over the use of anti-terror law in India to silence critics...

Iran’s presidential election goes to run-off

TEHRAN, Iran : Iran's snap presidential election is heading to a run-off after no candidate managed to secure 50% of the vote, according to...

Police lodges FIR against people who raised slogans outside Owaisi’s Delhi residence

New Delhi : A group of people gathered outside the residence of AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi and raised slogans and splashed black paint. Police...

Pak court asks PMO to refrain intelligence agencies from interfering in any judicial matters

Lahore : A top Pakistani court on Saturday directed the Prime Minister's Office to issue directives to the country's powerful intelligence agencies, including Inter-Services...

Former Ameer of Wahdat-e-Islami Hind, Maulana Ata-ur-Rehman Wajdi passes away

By Muslim Mirror Desk Ata-ur-Rehman Wajdi, the former Ameer of Wahdat-e-Islami Hind, passed away this morning at Max Hospital in Dehradun. He was 88. Ziauddin Siddiqui,...

Poll shows two-thirds of Israelis want Netanyahu to leave politics

By Muslim Mirror Staff Around two-thirds of Israelis believe Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should leave politics and not seek reelection, according to a new television...

New criminal laws mockery of Constitution, enacted without consultation : Teesta Setalvad

Mumbai : The three new laws set to replace British-era ones from July 1 nationwide are a “mockery of the Indian Constitution”, claimed civil...

At least 60,000 people displaced from Gaza City on Thursday: UN

WASHIGNTON : Israel displaced at least 60,000 people from Gaza City on Thursday, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Friday. "Humanitarian partners are reporting new...

Donald Trump calls Biden a ‘bad Palestinian’ in presidential debate

By Muslim Mirror Staff Donald Trump accused US President Joe Biden of being soft on Hamas and Biden defended his support for Israel during the...

Israel’s war on Gaza is the “deadliest” in history for journalists, finds new investigation

By Muslim Mirror Staff A new investigation on the predatory profile of Israeli military’s atrocities against journalists finds one in ten reporters in Gaza have...

Parliament should discuss NEET issue first: Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi : Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Friday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to hold “respectful” and good...

Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi’s Delhi residence vandalised by unknown miscreants

NEW DELHI : AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi’s residence at 34 Ashoka Road in New Delhi has been vandalised by unknown persons...

Delhi : BJP leader threatens to slaughter two lakh Muslims

By Muslim Mirror Staff A video of BJP leader Karnail Singh, threatening to “slaughter 2 lakh Muslims” in front of police officers has gone viral...

Lok Sabha poll results show India not ‘Hindu Rashtra’: Amartya Sen

Kolkata : Nobel laureate Amartya Sen on Wednesday asserted the recent Lok Sabha poll results point to the fact that India is not a...

How Ravish Kumar preserved the legacy of peoples journalism 

By R Rajagopal I am writing this at 2am, when most newspapers must have gone to bed (jargon for the plates being laid on the...