About us

MUSLIM MIRROR is owned and published by the Minorities Media Foundation (MMF) , a non-profit company registered under Section 8 of the Company Act,  in New Delhi, India.

MUSLIM MIRROR is an independent online media platform, which aims to  articulate the concerns and aspirations of voiceless minorities and disadvantaged groups from India. MuslimMirror.com  is a non-profit initiative  committed to peace, communal harmony , freedom, democracy, justice, human rights and overall development in the society.


MUSLIM MIRROR will work professionally and will not take side of any group, community , caste or creed. Justice and Truth will be its principles. It will follow journalistic ethics , highlight injustice, violation of rights and laws. It will also highlight progress and development of communities.

MUSLIM MIRROR will not give space to hatred, bias or any activity that is not in the interest of the country and the community.


Maulana Kahleelur Rahman Sajjad Nomani (Renowned Islamic Scholar)

Prem Shankar Jha (Senior Journalist)

Zahid Qadri (Activist)

Khaled Al Maeena (Former editor Arab News)

Dr. M. Qutubuddin ( Human Rights Activist)

Engineer Shamim Akhtar


Dr Ram Puniyani (Writer, Activist)

Om Thanvi (Senior Journalist)

Justice BG Kolse Patil (Former Judge Mumbai High Court)

Afzal Amaanullah (Former Bureaucrat)

SM Anwar Hussain (Community Leader)


Adv Khalid Akhtar ( Supreme Court of India)


What national media is saying  about Muslim Mirror

MuslilmMirror.com belongs to the expanding group of alternative media platforms founded on the premise that the Indian mainstream   media narrative tends to reinforce stereotypes around Muslims. Hindustan Times 

MuslimMirror.com has done several stories that were later followed up by mainstream newspapers and TV.” Times of India 

For the past few years, MuslimMirror.com has been addressing issues specific to Muslims and other minority communities, as well as breaking stories that would otherwise go unnoticed in mainstream 1nedia.” The Indian Express

“The Special Cell’s attempt to project the suspected terrorist as a devout Muslim would have gone unnoticed some years back. Now, the pol ice’s continuous targeting of Muslims has made them alert. The mischievous substitution was exposed by the Muslin Mirror, an online portal.” The Hindu

“Muslim Mirror was formed by MBA graduate Syed Zubair Ahmad as a response to a series of false terror charges against Muslim youths.”  Outlook

Several  Muslim Mirror stories were  used as reference by national and international media platforms like NDTV and TIME.

“The platform works to counter stereotypes about Muslims in India, tracking cases of violence against the Muslim community.[2] It aims to offer a balanced perspective on issues affecting Muslims and disadvantaged groups, challenging mainstream media narratives. It is known for spotlighting flaws in police theories, debunking misrepresentations, and addressing concerns related to Islamophobia and false terror charges against Muslim individuals”. Wikipedia 


Disclaimer : MuslimMirror.com is not responsible for views and claims expressed by contributors and for reports sourced by other media networks and news agencies. They do not necessarily represent or reflect the editorial policy of the publication.
