
HomeTagsAwake Craniotomy’ in Bihar

Tag: Awake Craniotomy’ in Bihar

AIIMS (Patna) doctor Saquib Siddiqui...

By M M Special Correspondent Patna: A path-breaking...

AIIMS (Patna) doctor Saquib Siddiqui removes brain tumor using ‘Awake Craniotomy’ first time in Bihar

By M M Special Correspondent Patna: A path-breaking surgery was done by a team of doctors led by  Dr. Saquib Azad Siddiqui, a neurosurgeon associated with AIIMS (Patna) who created a history in the state by performing Awake Craniotomy on his patient  Rohit, a 21 years patient on Friday. “This operation is called Awake Craniotomy. During Awake Craniotomy   the patient is awake and can communicate with doctors enabling them to remove tumor adequately without injuring normal areas of brain” Dr Saqib told Muslim Mirror. Rohit was awake and communicating with doctors during...

AIIMS (Patna) doctor...

By M M Special Correspondent Patna: A path-breaking surgery was done by a team of doctors led by  Dr. Saquib Azad Siddiqui, a neurosurgeon associated...

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