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Tag: BJP -RSS relationship

Nadda on BJP-RSS relations: A...

By Ram Puniyani As the election season (April-May...

Nadda on BJP-RSS relations: A father-son political equation

By Ram Puniyani As the election season (April-May 2024) is in progress there are observations by some that this time RSS volunteers (swayamsevaks) are not on the field to help the BJP for electoral mobilization. So far, in most elections barring the one of 1984, in the aftermath of anti Sikh pogrom. There are many guesses about the role of RSS combine in the elections this time. In this context the interview of Mr. J.P.Nadda, given to IE (May 19, 2024) claims that RSS is a cultural and social organization...

Nadda on BJP-RSS...

By Ram Puniyani As the election season (April-May 2024) is in progress there are observations by some that this time RSS volunteers (swayamsevaks) are not...

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