
HomeTagsCommunal tensions erupt in Odisha’s Balasore

Tag: Communal tensions erupt in Odisha’s Balasore

Communal tensions erupt in Odisha’s...

Communal tensions escalated in Balasore, Odisha, following...

Communal tensions erupt in Odisha’s Balasore over cow slaughter claims

Communal tensions escalated in Balasore, Odisha, following allegations of cow slaughter, prompting authorities to impose Section 144 and suspend internet services in the area. The unrest began when rumors of cow slaughter in the locality spread rapidly, igniting anger among local communities. As the situation intensified, clashes erupted between different groups, leading to widespread panic and fear. To control the situation, the district administration imposed Section 144, prohibiting the assembly of four or more people in the area. Additionally, internet services were suspended to curb the spread of misinformation and prevent...

Communal tensions erupt...

Communal tensions escalated in Balasore, Odisha, following allegations of cow slaughter, prompting authorities to impose Section 144 and suspend internet services in the area. The...

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