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Tag: Cuba plane crash

Cuba plane crash survivor dies,...

Havana : The toll from last Friday's...

Cuba plane crash survivor dies, toll rises to 111

Havana : The toll from last Friday's plane crash in Cuba has risen to 111 as one of the survivors succumbed to her injuries here, officials said. Grettel Landrove, 23, one of three survivors in last Friday's crash of a Cubana de Aviacion passenger jet, died on Monday in the Calixto Garcia Hospital, where she had been admitted on the day of the accident suffering from extremely critical injuries, Efe news reported. Landrove, who lived in Havana, was from Holguin, Cuba. Cubana de Aviacion flight DMJ-972, which was using a Boeing 737...

Cuba plane crash...

Havana : The toll from last Friday's plane crash in Cuba has risen to 111 as one of the survivors succumbed to her injuries...

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