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Tag: Dr. Jai Siddheshwar Maha Swami

Dr. Jai Siddheshwar Maha Swami...

By Imran Inamdar, AKKALKOT (MAHARASHTRA):- Addressing a huge...

Dr. Jai Siddheshwar Maha Swami slams ISIS for defaming Islam

By Imran Inamdar, AKKALKOT (MAHARASHTRA):- Addressing a huge gathering here Dr. Jai Siddheshwar Mahaswami slammed ISIS and said that “these days a group of anti social elements indulge in anti social activities and commit heinous crimes in the name of Islam. It’s time to come under one roof and condemn and destroy this anti social mentality as Islam is a religion of peace and humanity”. Shabadi Social and Welfare Association had organized an orientation function: “No entry for ISIS and Islam is meant for peace not terror” for all communities at...

Dr. Jai Siddheshwar...

By Imran Inamdar, AKKALKOT (MAHARASHTRA):- Addressing a huge gathering here Dr. Jai Siddheshwar Mahaswami slammed ISIS and said that “these days a group of anti...

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