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Tag: Environmental protection

Let’s admit ; ‘Sloganeering human...

By Mohammad Al-Mahdi By the end of World War...

Let’s admit ; ‘Sloganeering human rights and environmental protection are all fraud’

By Mohammad Al-Mahdi By the end of World War II and as we discovered the great ozone hole near Antarctica by the late 1970s, since then we have been hearing a lot about how to ‘Save Earth and Humanity’ in our schools and educational institutes. Today, most world governments and NGOs spend a lot of their resources on these issues. From media and social networks, we can feel a great deal of how the peoples, industries, and organizations are serving the environment by reducing wastes, and by providing jobs and health...

Let’s admit ;...

By Mohammad Al-Mahdi By the end of World War II and as we discovered the great ozone hole near Antarctica by the late 1970s, since then...

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