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Tag: Faizyab Mosque

New Delhi’s Faizyab Mosque faces...

By Muslim Mirror The Delhi High Court has...

New Delhi’s Faizyab Mosque faces demolition as caretaker withdraws High Court Petition

By Muslim Mirror The Delhi High Court has granted temporary protection to the Faizyab Mosque and Madrasa in the national capital’s Sarai Kale Khan area, preventing its demolition until September 12, 2024. This decision follows an unexpected legal development in which the mosque’s caretaker, Deen Mohammed, withdrew his petition and agreed to vacate the premises. On May 12, Justice Amit Sharma’s vacation bench granted one month to vacate the premises, dismissing the petitions after Deen Mohammed, through his counsel Advocate Kamlesh Kumar Mishra, committed to leave the site within the given...

New Delhi’s Faizyab...

By Muslim Mirror The Delhi High Court has granted temporary protection to the Faizyab Mosque and Madrasa in the national capital’s Sarai Kale Khan area,...

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