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Tag: Genocide in Palestine

Israel facing increasing global isolation...

Hamas represents Palestinians who are the sons...

Israel facing increasing global isolation due to its endless barbarity on Palestinians

Hamas represents Palestinians who are the sons and daughters of Palestine which includes today’s Israel. Israel was created for Jews brought from abroad to settle in Palestinian lands in 1948 by Britain and US after driving out Palestinians from their lands by means of deception, conspiracies, lawlessness and repeated genocides  By Latheef Farook The International Criminal Court (ICC)'s prosecutor,Karim Khan, has finally issued arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Security Minister Yoav Gallant, for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed on the “territory of the State of...

Israel facing increasing...

Hamas represents Palestinians who are the sons and daughters of Palestine which includes today’s Israel. Israel was created for Jews brought from abroad to settle...

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