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Tag: Giles Sparrow

A crash course in fundamentals...

By Vikas Datta, Title: The Genius Test: Can...

A crash course in fundamentals of true knowledge (Book Review)

By Vikas Datta, Title: The Genius Test: Can You Master the World's Hardest Ideas?; Author: Giles Sparrow; Publisher: Quercus; Pages: 224; Price: Rs 599 The biggest fallacy in our high-tech world is believing that the stunning advances in knowledge -- now accessible anytime and everywhere through flashy devices -- have left everyone, especially the millennials, well-learned. But could any one of them, just asked, explain the "hard problem" of consciousness, the essence of post-modernism, or how quantum theory relates to the everyday world. Or from other fields, could they weigh in, without...

A crash course...

By Vikas Datta, Title: The Genius Test: Can You Master the World's Hardest Ideas?; Author: Giles Sparrow; Publisher: Quercus; Pages: 224; Price: Rs 599 The biggest...

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