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Tag: Hamdard Institute of International Studies

Jamia Hamdard launches undergraduate program...

By Muslim Mirror Network The Hamdard Institute of...

Jamia Hamdard launches undergraduate program in ‘International Studies and Global Politics’

By Muslim Mirror Network The Hamdard Institute of International Studies at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, has inaugurated a flagship undergraduate program dedicated to the study and research of international studies, global politics, and world affairs for the academic year 2024-25, building upon the success of its M.A. program in International Studies. In today's world, marked by dynamic interconnections and numerous crises such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Palestine, global pandemics, and climate change threats, understanding the political, social, economic, and technological drivers of these processes has become imperative. India has...

Jamia Hamdard launches...

By Muslim Mirror Network The Hamdard Institute of International Studies at Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi, has inaugurated a flagship undergraduate program dedicated to the study...

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