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Tag: Lakshmi Kaul

An equal-opportunity school sets a...

By Mohit Dubey, Lucknow : Much before the...

An equal-opportunity school sets a sterling example in social integration

By Mohit Dubey, Lucknow : Much before the Indian parliament promulgated the Right to Education Act (RTE) in 2009 that guaranteed education to all a committed local teacher had already pioneered the idea of making school access a reality for hundreds of underprivileged children, irrespective of their social status or economic background. Meet Lakshmi Kaul, the unassuming woman, originally Lakshmi Krishnamurthy from Kerala, who is not only responsible for imparting good education to hundreds of children of housemaids, drivers, office boys and other low-income families but also ensuring that there is...

An equal-opportunity school...

By Mohit Dubey, Lucknow : Much before the Indian parliament promulgated the Right to Education Act (RTE) in 2009 that guaranteed education to all a...

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