LGBTQ CULTURE – A threat...

By Syed Ilyas Basha The institution of man-woman...

Saudi Arabia welcomes LGBTQ tourists...

As part of their efforts to attract...

LGBTQ CULTURE – A threat to human race ?

By Syed Ilyas Basha The institution of man-woman relationship basically is meant for mutual help, support, solace and pleasure-seeking acts. Its subsequent and more important aim has been to deployment of body parts in regeneration process to continue human race. This has been the process since days immemorial in the human history. It has been prevailing in each and every generation for decades and centuries. Humanity has been synonymous with man and woman. The assertion of democracy in the west, in the middle of last century saw advancement of thinking in...


By Syed Ilyas Basha The institution of man-woman relationship basically is meant for mutual help, support, solace and pleasure-seeking acts. Its subsequent and more important...

Saudi Arabia welcomes...

As part of their efforts to attract tourists, Saudi Arabia is reportedly targeting a potentially lucrative market by extending a welcome to LGBTQ visitors....

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