UNICEF executive director on a...

By MM Special Correspondent, New Delhi: UNICEF Executive...

UNICEF executive director on a week-long visit of India; will see UNICEF supported programmes

By MM Special Correspondent, New Delhi: UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore is on a visit to India from 30 September to 6 October 2018 to see first-hand UNICEF supported programmes related to sanitation, health and other children’s issues, discuss future workforce skills development for young people, and explore partnership models with business leaders. During her first official visit to the country as UNICEF Executive Director, Fore will be meeting with senior government officials, frontline workers, families, children and young people. Her itinerary also includes meetings with business leaders to seek shared...

UNICEF executive director...

By MM Special Correspondent, New Delhi: UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore is on a visit to India from 30 September to 6 October 2018 to...

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