
HomeTagsMosque and Islamic Spiritual Centre of Maulana Sajjad Nomani

Tag: Mosque and Islamic Spiritual Centre of Maulana Sajjad Nomani

Architect Imran Abbas Shaikh: The...

By Fiza Memon Architect Imran Abbas Shaikh, a...

Architect Imran Abbas Shaikh: The visionary behind India’s finest Mosques

By Fiza Memon Architect Imran Abbas Shaikh, a visionary based in Pune, Maharashtra, exemplifies the transformative power of architecture. With a passion for blending modern design with cultural heritage, Imran has developed a diverse portfolio ranging from innovative urban projects to iconic cultural landmarks. Renowned for his distinctive approach, he has redefined architectural design, particularly in the creation of mosques. His designs for these sacred spaces often include facilities like hospitals, museums, libraries, and community kitchens, showcasing his dedication to empowering the community. Through his work, Imran Abbas Shaikh has...

Architect Imran Abbas...

By Fiza Memon Architect Imran Abbas Shaikh, a visionary based in Pune, Maharashtra, exemplifies the transformative power of architecture. With a passion for blending modern...

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