
HomeTagsMuslim-run institutions

Tag: Muslim-run institutions

Surprising Demographics: Hindu students outnumber...

By Muslim Mirror Staff The recent study coinciding...

Surprising Demographics: Hindu students outnumber in Muslim-run institutions in India

By Muslim Mirror Staff The recent study coinciding with the AMU minority status case in the Supreme Court has uncovered surprising statistics revealing that a majority of students in Muslim minority institutions are from the Hindu community. This revelation challenges stereotypes and highlights the inclusive nature of these institutions. The study, conducted by the Centre for Study and Research (CSR) in collaboration with NOUS Network, marks the first comprehensive attempt to map Muslim-affiliated higher education institutes across India. The findings indicate that while these institutions are labeled as minority-run, they serve...

Surprising Demographics: Hindu...

By Muslim Mirror Staff The recent study coinciding with the AMU minority status case in the Supreme Court has uncovered surprising statistics revealing that a...

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