
HomeTagsNahan Muslim shops attacked

Tag: Nahan Muslim shops attacked

Nahan (Himachal Pradesh): In presence...

By Muslim Mirror Desk  In a shocking incident...

Nahan (Himachal Pradesh): In presence of police Hindutva mob attacks Muslim man’s shop over WhatsApp status

By Muslim Mirror Desk  In a shocking incident that has further inflamed communal tensions, a Muslim man's shop in Nahan town of Sirmaur District in  Himachal Pradesh was attacked, looted, and vandalized by a Hindutva mob on Thursday. The violent assault occurred in the presence of the police, raising serious questions about the law enforcement's role and effectiveness in preventing such acts. Hindu organizations protested in Nahan area of Sirmaur over the alleged pictures posted on WhatsApp status by youth. According to the people the youth is a resident of UP,...

Nahan (Himachal Pradesh):...

By Muslim Mirror Desk  In a shocking incident that has further inflamed communal tensions, a Muslim man's shop in Nahan town of Sirmaur District in ...

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