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Tag: Nihal Singh

Nihal Singh was the last...

By Saeed Naqvi, These are such desperate times...

Nihal Singh was the last of the Gentlemen Editors

By Saeed Naqvi, These are such desperate times for journalism that S. Nihal Singh's departure at 89 triggers memories about a phase in the profession that dreams are made of. My personal journalistic trajectory trailed his rather closely. He was The Statesman's Special Correspondent in Singapore when I entered the portals of that once great newspaper as a cub reporter. I was, in fact, following Nihal's footsteps because this was how he entered the profession a decade earlier -- as a cub reporter. There were no schools of journalism then, but we...

Nihal Singh was...

By Saeed Naqvi, These are such desperate times for journalism that S. Nihal Singh's departure at 89 triggers memories about a phase in the profession...

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