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Tag: One Nation

UCC, ‘One Nation, One Election’...

Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that...

UCC, ‘One Nation, One Election’ to be implemented in next term: Amit Shah

Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that a Uniform Civil Code for the entire country will be implemented within the next five years, following extensive consultations with all stakeholders, if the BJP returns to power. In a wide-ranging interview with PTI, Shah mentioned that the Modi government, in its next term, will also implement 'One Nation, One Election,' as the time has come for elections to be held simultaneously across the country. Shah emphasized that the BJP has not engaged in religion-based campaigning. However, he asserted that if advocating against reservations...

UCC, ‘One Nation,...

Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated that a Uniform Civil Code for the entire country will be implemented within the next five years, following...

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