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Tag: PAI Academy of Spoken English

PAI Academy of Pune becomes...

By Muslim Mirror Special Correspondent The PAI Academy...

PAI Academy of Pune becomes a beacon of hope for thousands of underprivileged children

By Muslim Mirror Special Correspondent The PAI Academy of Spoken English, founded in 2007 by noted educationalist Dr. P.A. Inamdar, is making a profound impact on the lives of underprivileged students. Driven by a deep commitment to education, Dr. Inamdar recognized the need to address the educational disparities faced by students in Pune Municipal Corporation schools, where English and computer education opportunities were limited compared to their peers. The primary objective of the academy is to provide a life-changing opportunity for students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. By equipping them with essential...

PAI Academy of...

By Muslim Mirror Special Correspondent The PAI Academy of Spoken English, founded in 2007 by noted educationalist Dr. P.A. Inamdar, is making a profound impact...

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