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Tag: Raisi's killing

Ibrahim Raisi’s killing: Uncovering the...

By Haider Abbas Within moments of the news...

Ibrahim Raisi’s killing: Uncovering the larger message

By Haider Abbas Within moments of the news that the Iran President Ibrahim Raisi helicopter had crashed on May 19, there was an official denial from Israel that it was not involved in his death. This was much prior to the official confirmation of his death! After 15 hours of search operation, his body remains were found along with Iran Foreign Minister Amir Abdullahian and seven others. Nothing could have been more traumatic for a nation, to find its most dynamic President and a promising Foreign Minister to have passed-away...

Ibrahim Raisi’s killing:...

By Haider Abbas Within moments of the news that the Iran President Ibrahim Raisi helicopter had crashed on May 19, there was an official denial...

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