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Tag: RB Sreekumar

Global Indian diaspora condemns arrests...

By Muslim Mirror Network Washington, (DC ): Leading...

Global Indian diaspora condemns arrests of Teesta , Sreekumar and Zubair on trumped-up charges

By Muslim Mirror Network Washington, (DC ): Leading multi-faith and civil society organizations from the Indian diaspora around the world today unequivocally condemned the arrests of human rights defenders Teesta Setalvad and R. B. Sreekumar, as well as journalist Mohammed Zubair in India. Ms. Setalvad and Mr. Sreekumar were both pivotal in bringing justice to the victims of the pogrom against Muslims in 2002 in Gujarat. Mohammed Zubair is the co-founder of fact-checking website Their arrests by Indian police on trumped-up charges are clearly retribution for their activism and struggle...

Global Indian diaspora...

By Muslim Mirror Network Washington, (DC ): Leading multi-faith and civil society organizations from the Indian diaspora around the world today unequivocally condemned the arrests...

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