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Islamophobic populism worries Muslims in France’

STRASBOURG, France Praising Strasbourg Municipality in northeastern France for offering 2.5 million euros ($3 million) for the construction of a mosque, Bekir Altas, secretary-general...

A crime has been committed against India: Rahul

NEW DELHI — Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday once again attacked the Narendra Modi government for its inaction as “many innocent people”...

Less oxygen allotment at Delhi base hospital, army complaints to govt

NEW DELHI — Indian Army on Tuesday raised an issue of less allotment of oxygen to its base hospital in the national capital by...

Indonesia: man teaches Quran wearing clown garb

JAKARTA, Indonesia After donning clown garb, Yahya Edward Hendrawan is sitting in front of a mirror, finishing his make-up. He is not going to a...

Only 114 Muslim MLAs elected out of 824 in five states /UT, much less than proportional representation

Muslims yet again fail to cross proportional representation barrier The 126-member Assam Assembly will have for the first time in 50 years, no...

Jamaat tells PM to call meeting of Socio-Religious leaders on covid

NEW DELHI – The Jamaat-e-Islami Hind (JIH) on Monday said it has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi to call a meeting of social and...

Hindutva’s pseudoscientific approach, the real reason for corona crisis

By Syed Ali Mujtaba The country’s scientific community stands dejected. They lament that the COVID situation could have been better if the scientific understanding of...

Over half a dozen candidate die before their victory in UP Panchayat elections

Most of the candidates died following Covid like symptoms but none of them had got themselves tested or treated LUCKNOW — More than half a dozen...

Making our Zakat more constructive

The community really deserves to manage our Zakat funds in a more professional and imaginative manner. By Asad Mirza Zakat is one of the five...

India gasps for breath but politics continue

By Nikhat Iqbal The second wave of Covid 19 cases is hitting like a storm and pushing deaths to an all time high in the...

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