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LEADING: Trinamool Congress in West Bengal, BJP in Assam, DMK in Tamilnadu and LDF in Kerala

  New Delhi: Mamata Banerjee's Trinamool Congress is ahead in West Bengal, where the BJP seems to have made gains since the 2019 national elections....

Rizwan Qaiser, prominent historian and Jamia Millia Islamia professor succumbs to Coivd-19

New Delhi: Professor Rizwan Qaiser, noted historian and former head of Jamia Millia Islamia's history department, succumbed to Covid-19 on Saturday. Prof Qaiser has been...

Four Muslim youths cremate over 800 bodies as per Hindu traditions

By Muslim Mirror Staff New Delhi: Four Muslim youths have performed the last rites of more than 800 bodies as per Hindu tradition at a...

Alfiya Pathan : The making of Nagpur’s teenage boxing legend

By Moin Qazi, Muslim Mirror, It was a time when a lot of people didn't realize women's boxing wasn’t in the Olympics. It was always...

Ramadan is healthy for body and soul

By Rabbi Allen S, Maller Substance use disorder is a rapidly growing issue in America, and the costs of treatment is highest for alcohol-related abuse...

BJP minister, lawmakers write to Yogi over worsening Covid situation in UP

Lucknow, Apr 30 (IANS): As the Covid cases continue to surge and the clock is also ticking away for the next Assembly elections in Uttar...

Delhi’s Green Park mosque turned into Covid-19 quarantine centre

By Muslim Mirror Staff New Delhi: A mosque in Delhi's Green Park has been converted into temporary Covid-19 quarantine centre. The premises is now equipped...

Historical societies object to RSS versions of concocted history!

By S. Bur'an The RSS and Hindutva ideology is based on false narrations and concocted history, they are known for lying a lot about history...

India Logs 4 Lakh Covid Cases for the First Time in A New High

NEW DELHI — India witnessed highest spike of 4,01,999 fresh cases of Covid-19 and 3,523 fatalities due to coronavirus infection in the last 24...

Ex-RJD MP Mohammad Shahabuddin dies of Covid-19

By Muslim Mirror Staff New Delhi: Former MP Mohammad Shahabuddin passed away days after he was diagnosed with Covid-19. He was shifted from Delhi's Tihar...

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